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Moroto, Uganda

"I'm so thankful for the team that has come to visit and I'm excited for them to come back again soon. It's been a blessing to have Christine come and disciple the leaders of the church. One thing I've learned is that you are a spirit, you have a soul and you live in a body."



Moroto, Uganda

"Christine has taught us so many things. I call the discipleship class "Spiritual surgery". The most interesting thing I learned was about how the Holy Spirit communicates to us. I didn't know that God was trying to communicate to me. Through this class God has been showing me more of what He is calling me to do in ministry."



Karamoja, Uganda

"This discipleship class taught me more about having faith. Faith is having confidence and it's the assurance of things not seen. You can build your faith by reading the bible and you can release your faith by speaking the Word of God."



Karamoja, Uganda

"Through discipleship class I learned more about prayer, talking to God, and the authority we have. We have to know what the scripture says and who we are in Christ."                                                                                                                    






Moroto, Uganda

"This discipleship class has truly transformed me. Before the class I didn't understand a lot of things and doubted some things that would happen in church like people being healed. Through the sessions I received more revelation. I got to know that the bible is actually a love story. I'm more excited and actually want to read the bible now!"




Kampala, Uganda

"I was always in church but I didn't know much about the Word of God. These classes have helped me to know more in depth and it has transformed my life.  I feel like I'm now equipped to be a better leader."


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Checks can be addressed to 

RBC Missions with "Christine Cordova"

in the memo line. 

 PO Box 50126 Tulsa, OK 74150

Call: (918) 258-1588 Ext. 2317 to give over the phone







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